Sunday, October 13, 2013


Lessons from the Lord always hit me at awkward times. Probably because my mind works on a strange frequency and He know when something goes "DING! Fries are done!" .
Sunday nights are quiet nights for my family, well as quiet as they get. My oldest likes to watch Once Upon a Time. and we usually sit as a family and enjoy it together. Tonight, Tinkerbell was part of the show. My son thought this was the most fabulous thing ever! As Tinkerbell is flying around with her beautiful wings and her sparkling pixie dust, she says something....something most interesting. She says " Believe in me."
Believe in me. Believe in me. Those words resonated on a heart level that is almost impossible to describe.
Isn't that exactly what the Lord wants from us? For us to believe IN Him. I was actually so moved by this thought in my heart , that I had to repent . My first thought really was " wow, I have been totally believing you, without believing IN you" I have gotten lazy with the instruction of my children. Yet, He has promised that if I am faithful and diligent in the instruction of my children IN His ways, that they will belong to Him. I have become slothful in my home. Often not worried about the laundry or the dinner that needs to be cooked, I am just glad that I made it through the day. Some days, that is ok. There is grace for that. But HE HAS SO MUCH MORE. He has given me self-discipline IN Him by HIS Spirit. And now we are back on track . I must tell you, God sent me a wonderful friend that shared a glorious chore chart with me and helped me. I have become tired of doing good, often wanting a break, or to relax, or just wanting to finish so I can be done. But He has promised me rest IN Him.
I have example after example after example of the music resonating in my heart with His goodness tonight . I am thankful for His gentleness, for His goodness, for His mercy. Oh, His underserved mercy. Have mercy on me Lord, a sinner!
IN Him we have rest, we have joy, we have peace. His presence is never ending. He does not fade. He does not give up. He loves us with a love that is unfailing. This is so hard to grasp, when we as people, have such a jilted view point . Thanks be to God that His ways are higher than ours!
It is so easy to believe the Lord and not be believing IN Him, ON Him. Take a look into your soul tonight and give thanks to Him for He is good. Then look around and do an inventory. What do you need to give back to God? What do you need to be believing IN Him for? Surely , salvation. But what else? What is nagging at you right now?