Wednesday, November 13, 2013


A couple of days ago, I received a World Vision catalog in the mail. It wound up in the trash. Christmas is so tight and with all the kids wanting such expensive things, I honestly didn't think much of sending money somewhere else. But God sees things differently. In fact, the one thing that keeps popping back up in my mind is the World Vision catalog. This is when I am especially thankful for grace and the internet. God knew that catalog would end up in the trash ......and He was gracious enough to supply the website! 
So on I went. There are tons of adorable faces and smiles that just make your heart melt into a thousand tiny pieces. And then He whispers "This is what I AM about". Yes , yes it is. Then I started to read. (Please note that reading can become very dangerous as it leads to knowledge, and then the Father gives you some understanding. And if you are super blessed, He then supplies the wisdom to get your feet moving.)
Did you know that more than six million children under five die each year? Basically from preventable illnesses? Unfortunately, the clinics lack the basic medicines they need or they might be inaccessible. 
How about when children lack basic clothing supplies to stay warm, on come preventable things like frostbite or pneumonia ?
Try this one on for size. That a child dies every TEN seconds from hunger and related causes!
That roughly 2,000 children aged 5 and under die each day from lack of clean water?
Is your heart there yet? It is a TRAGEDY that all of this goes on in the world around us and we know little to nothing about it. And I hear you. I totally hear you on the other side of this computer screen. 
There is so much tragedy and I am one person. What could I possibly do?
People, it all starts at home. Teach your kids. From your heart. From the heart of the One who made us all in His glorious image. Show them . Read them statistics. Look up your church missionaries.  Read the Bible. Show them pictures of groups of 2,000 people and let them glance at the amount of children dying daily from lack of clean water. Pray for them as you drink water. 
Show them AIDS statistics in Africa. Then tell them about the marvels of Jesus and modern medicine and tell them that $60 can save a life. 
$60......thats right folks. Most of the things I told you about can be combated by donations of $60 or less. 
And in case you are screaming at me now " $60 , are you CRAZY?" , let me break some real life situations down. I know when I take my sweet family out to dinner it costs roughly $60 by the time I pay a tip. I know that I travel to Chick-Fil-A four times a month after co-op at about $20 a week , so that evens out to $80. That is just two examples. How many of us drink coffee from a shop daily? How about those cool highlights in your hair? Or your pedicure? Just think, giving something up for a month might save a life or five of them. 
So here is my challenge for you.....can you commit to something? I know there is a gift to give that is $10.
Maybe it is time for us to start looking at people like Jesus does. With compassion. With love. Full of grace and mercy. Maybe it is time to show our kids that sometimes real love is hard. Sometimes real love sacrifices joyously. That my friends, is where we find the love of Christ. In joyfully giving out of the abundance of that which He has so graciously supplied to us. I love you all. May the God of peace rule your hearts in Christ Jesus. May you be abundantly blessed by Him today. 

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